Step into our scared circle
Journey deep into the annals of history and discover a powerful story that has been hidden from you. A story that holds the blueprint for reclaiming your inner knowing, for embodying your truth and bold enough to provide the foundation needed to create a new story for yourself.
Journey deep into the annals of history and discover a powerful story that has been hidden from you. A story that holds the blueprint for reclaiming your inner knowing, for embodying your truth and bold enough to provide the foundation needed to create a new story for yourself.
"When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending."
Brené Brown
- Are you courageous enough to re-examine ancient myths and turn them on their head?
- Do you long to loosen the grip that indecision, self-doubt and fear have had on you?
- Do you yearn for a deeper, saner life more fully aligned with your inner sense of self?
- Do you dream of embodying a more powerful, fuller sense of yourself?
- Are you brave enough to create a new story of empowerment, healing and belonging?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, read on.
On our journey into the depths of history where we will unearth new truths about about the first woman of the world, to discover a powerful story has been hidden from you. Together we will explore this story and from there we will map a path back home, to reclaim your knowing and truth, to a place where self-doubt and shame need no longer hold you hostage.
In 2019 I contributed to a Girl God's Anthology "Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves". The book itself, a wonder, is a compilation of women's voices from around the world, of essays, poetry and art - all inspired by Lilith.
In early 2021 my piece, along with several others, was selected for inclusion in the Girl God's Lilith Circle Guide, a small group study guide for women wanting to work with the Lilith archetype. Now, I find myself offering and leading a Lilith Circle as a Lilith Ambassador. I invite you to join me and journey deep into the recesses of history where we will unearth new truths about the first woman of the world, to discover a powerful story has been hidden from us for millennia. Our compass an artistic compilation of women’s encounters with Lilith. Some are grounded in research; some in lived experience; some in poetry; and others painted and sung. |
"There is no greater agony than bearing an
untold story inside you."
untold story inside you."
Maya Angelou
Registrations Currently Closed
A 10 Week Journey from Rejection to the Reclamation of Our Stories
It is easy to underestimate how the stories we've been told impact our psyches. Even if you did not have the specific psychological torture of being a girl that has grown up in an organised religion, you will still have heard of and been impacted by the story of Eve.
Eve’s downfall and the ensuing “gaslighting” of women, as being responsible for the sorrows of the world; and of Eve being created from the rib of Adam (man) as an afterthought by God to keep him company. The feminine has been maligned, abandoned and betrayed by this story through the ages. It's time to reveal the full story, the story that sits beneath this old mythological story and to learn of Lilith and the truth behind Lilith’s story. |
“What we believe, to whom we belong, how we behave and who we become are profoundly shaped by our stories and the larger narratives in which we live.” David Drake |
This is your chance to rewrite history.
Your chance to make it herstory, to make it your story.
Your chance to make it herstory, to make it your story.
Lilith Circle Course provides a foundation on which to build a new sacred feminine and is part of a larger global collective of Lilith Circles taking place. Together we will:
- Re-look at the annals of history to unearth new truths about the hidden herstory and unlock the doorway to new understanding.
- Meet Lilith, the much maligned first woman of the world whose powerful story has been hidden from us for a reason.
- Map a path home to reclaim our inner knowing and embody our truth to a place within where self-doubt and shame need no longer hold you or I hostage.
- Invoke powerful forgotten myths and archetypes that liberate, inspire, and guide us to remember who we are.
Join me and a group of likeminded women to dive deep
into the process of reclaiming Lilith and reclaiming yourself.
into the process of reclaiming Lilith and reclaiming yourself.
Registrations Currently Closed
The Lilith Circle Journey
We will begin with remembering Lilith — the forgotten first woman of the world — and her powerful revelations that will enliven your spirit and infuse your soul.
Our journey together is divided into four parts:
“Deeply embedded in this pattern of circle is a true archetype of the human spirt, one that summons people everywhere to step into the conversation.” Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea “The Circle Way – A Leader in Every Chair” |
The core work of the group will be done through reading, writing and sharing within the sacred circle of trust. Whilst reading this collection of writings about Lilith, a critically important female archetype, is powerful in and of itself - it is the process of working through the content in community with other women that creates the soul connections needed to sustain, strengthen and enliven us us during this time of feminine rising.
If you are ready to expand your inner world to match your dreams, come sit with us. In our virtual Lilith Circle, where we will reclaim this important feminine archetype and make it our own.
Ready for a new beginning?
It starts with reimagining one.
Life-Changing Gifts
For Those Who Dare to Reclaim Their Feminine Soul
For Those Who Dare to Reclaim Their Feminine Soul
When you commit to reclaiming the genetic code on which the very idea of woman and what it means to be "female" was built, you can expect powerful results including:
- New clarity about who you are without the narrative that's been thrust on you by a patriarchal culture.
- New understanding about the system designed to keep you from knowing and accessing your own power.
- Integration of a new and powerful archetypal model of the feminine.
- A new blueprint providing the opportunity to re-vision and self-validate your own personal concepts of the sacred.
- A loosening of the grip that indecision and doubt have had on you.
- Freeing up constraints placed on your female autonomy by myths that have elevated the masculine above the feminine.
- Challenging preconceived ideas of the feminine and what is considered beautiful, dutiful, sinful, and ideal.
- A re-imaging of what true feminine power can look like.
- A new way of moving through the world with this empowering new archetype.
- A loosening of centuries of Divine Feminine repression.
- Engaging in powerful transformative conversations with other women.
- Starting of a new healing of old patriarchal wounds that have shamed, blamed and silenced women in the past.
- Starting to build a new foundation of self-worth, infused with new levels of courage, dignity and determination.
Registrations Now Closed
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
Mo Willems
What's included in the course?
Weekly 90-minute live Zoom sessions
with Maureen Owen a Girl God's contributing author, Lilith Circle Ambassador and Facilitator, MOD, PCC Coach. Sessions are from: 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm AEST In 2021 the Circle ran form Monday October 4 through to Monday December 6
Circle Fee Options
Option A - Full Payment
The fee for the full program of 10 x 90 minutes session is $350 (Australian Dollars) - Full payment $350
Option B - Instalments
If you know this course is for you but you need to spread the cost out, we have you covered. You can pay by three instalments of $120 (Australian Dollars). The first instalment now and the remainder will be charged in two monthly instalments.
Three monthly instalments of $120
If you know this course is for you but you need to spread the cost out, we have you covered. You can pay by three instalments of $120 (Australian Dollars). The first instalment now and the remainder will be charged in two monthly instalments.
Three monthly instalments of $120
Registrations For the Current Lilith Circle Are Now Closed
Frequently Asked Questions
What does an ancient myth have to do with my life today?
Myths are the building blocks of our consciousness. The stories we learnt as small children have an enormous impact on our psyche and how we see ourselves. If every sacred myth you absorbed revolved around a hero rather than a heroine, then more than likely it will have constrained and limited your ability to see yourself as the heroine of your own story, as someone who is powerful and a creator in your own right. And as a result you may see and experience yourself as a victim or a martyr.
This is what Deborah Grenn-Scott, author of Lilith’s Fire – Reclaiming our Sacred Lifeforce, says about ancient myths and their impact on our lives today - “World views and creation stories can shape our values and belief systems and the judgements we live by. All too often, “the very foundations of our lives are built on a deceptively safe legacy of carefully filtered information and biased translation, on data often distorted by the interpreter. And it is rarely questioned."
This is what Deborah Grenn-Scott, author of Lilith’s Fire – Reclaiming our Sacred Lifeforce, says about ancient myths and their impact on our lives today - “World views and creation stories can shape our values and belief systems and the judgements we live by. All too often, “the very foundations of our lives are built on a deceptively safe legacy of carefully filtered information and biased translation, on data often distorted by the interpreter. And it is rarely questioned."
Is this course for any woman from any religion or none?
This course is for any woman whether you have grown up in a formalised religion or not and whether you belong to a religion or not. We have all been enculturated into the prevailing mythologies that permeate human cultures. In exploring Lilith's story we are diving into the creation story that, for those of us growing up in Western Cultures, we have been steeped in.
And if you don’t belong to a religion, perhaps you will have less undoing to attend to than someone who needs to deconstruct the religious doctrine they have been taught and to start to see what is for them and what is not. This process of identifying and reclaiming the Divine Feminine is a necessary step for any woman desiring to connect authentically and fully to the divine within herself.
And if you don’t belong to a religion, perhaps you will have less undoing to attend to than someone who needs to deconstruct the religious doctrine they have been taught and to start to see what is for them and what is not. This process of identifying and reclaiming the Divine Feminine is a necessary step for any woman desiring to connect authentically and fully to the divine within herself.
What if I’m not able to attend one of the weekly circles?
All the live sessions will be recorded, and all participants will be sent a link to download and listen to the session following the live session.
How much time will I need to devote to the course?
You will want to allocate:
- 90 minutes a week to attend the circle online or to listen to the recorded session if you’re not able to attend.
- An additional hour for reading and homework (exploration, observation, other fun projects you may want to pursue and share!).
- You will also have a short recorded guided meditation each week. The meditations can be used daily, weekly or in whatever manner suits you.
- In total, joining the Lilith Circle requires a commitment of around 2½ hours each week.
I have other questions, who do I contact?
Best to direct all other questions to Maureen - you can email her here.
“Telling or hearing stories draws its power from a towering column of humanity
joined to the other across time and space
... filled to the bursting with life still being lived”.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés
It's your time NOW to don your true coat of powerful instinct and knowing to reclaim the power to create your own story.