Wear your brightest colours
Transform your life
Transform your life
Big changes require more than willpower alone
Whether you want change but find yourself pulled back to the status quo, or you are resisting some kind of change that is taking place in your life, there's a better way to move forward. We find ourselves in the same difficult situations, the same problematic relationships, not because we're flawed or inadequate, but because we're not fully conscious of what holds us back. A coaching program will help you develop awareness, build new skills and the new thinking required to move forward with ease. Coaching can turn the challenges your grappling with into opportunities for lasting transformation.
Whether you want change but find yourself pulled back to the status quo, or you are resisting some kind of change that is taking place in your life, there's a better way to move forward. We find ourselves in the same difficult situations, the same problematic relationships, not because we're flawed or inadequate, but because we're not fully conscious of what holds us back. A coaching program will help you develop awareness, build new skills and the new thinking required to move forward with ease. Coaching can turn the challenges your grappling with into opportunities for lasting transformation.
There are a myriad of things that can limit us from being fully who we are and who we are capable of being and who we long to be in our hearts and souls.
It's time to do something different
because the world is missing what you have to give.
It's time to do something different
because the world is missing what you have to give.
Hi, I'm Maureen Owen.. a 'Revolutionary Playmate' dedicated to working with my clients in thought provoking and creative partnerships to foster ‘‘a return to love” so your choices can be driven by what you love and what’s truly important to you rather than being driven by reactionary habits or fear that limit and constrain what’s possible and who we can become to create spaces for new possibilities.
To truly step forward requires us to make changes and to take action.
In most cases it requires us to take action each and every day and more often than not it requires small purposeful changes fueled by intention. Our internal commitment to no longer dim our light, and to show up fully as ourselves, our true selves and to no longer hide large portions of who we truly are.
Occasionally it will require what feels like grand and monumental steps.
Often these steps are no bigger than the small steps, they just feel more monumental because they require us to make a more public declaration or to reveal more of who we truly are at our core.
Remember, incredible changes can happen in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of focusing on what you can’t influence.
In most cases it requires us to take action each and every day and more often than not it requires small purposeful changes fueled by intention. Our internal commitment to no longer dim our light, and to show up fully as ourselves, our true selves and to no longer hide large portions of who we truly are.
Occasionally it will require what feels like grand and monumental steps.
Often these steps are no bigger than the small steps, they just feel more monumental because they require us to make a more public declaration or to reveal more of who we truly are at our core.
Remember, incredible changes can happen in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of focusing on what you can’t influence.
“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”
- Marcus Aurelius
The Benefits of Coaching
The benefit of engaging a certified credentialed ICF coach to support you to get back on your track and to keep moving forward means that you have someone by your side who can help you:
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Dare to be youVertical Divider
Caught in an inner struggleVertical Divider
Be the changeVertical Divider
You are worthyVertical Divider
You are enough |
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"On my darkest days I wear my brightest colors".
Cyndi Lauper
Want to learn more?
International Coach FederationI'm a Professional Certified Coach with ICF. This requires dedication, commitment and hard work, over time. Learn more here!
Praise From ClientsThis is what some of my past clients have had to say about my coaching based on their actual, real life experiences of working with me. Learn more here!
EQ - Assessments and ReportsLooking for a game changer in your life? Developing your emotional intelligence may be a vital link as it has been linked to 5 critical life success factors. Learn more!