Want to STOP doubting your own worth and
START living from the full truth of who you are?
I invite you to join me on the next Empower and Awaken Chakra Course
START living from the full truth of who you are?
I invite you to join me on the next Empower and Awaken Chakra Course
On MONDAY 4th APRIL 2022, we step into our sacred temple space
to journey deep in a process of discovery, renewal and re-awakening of
powerful aspects of your self.
to journey deep in a process of discovery, renewal and re-awakening of
powerful aspects of your self.
:: Are you feeling a call to deepen the relationship you have with yourself like never before?
:: Have you made a commitment to yourself to turn up in the world more and more as your full self? :: Do you want to deepen your understanding of the inner workings of your mind, body and spirit? :: Do you want to open yourself to allowing more good things into your life? :: Are you seeking ways to live with greater joy and with greater ease? :: Do you want to know what it feels like to live life with your eyes wide open? :: Do you want to deepen your leadership and embrace your deepest gifts offering your uniqueness in service to our world? |
“I felt the chakra course was one step into taking the time to get to know me, and not the ‘me’ I‘ve created for society, for my family, or my social circle” – Kristen "I believe that I would have had a different, less positive experience this year if not for this course. It gave me an opportunity to step back and look at who I am and who I am becoming and whether I am really happy with that. I believe that I would be aiming to follow a different path in my life I would not be quite as happy with, if not for completing this course." - Sarah |
If you answered yes to any of these questions, read on.
Join us in our temple space to empower and awaken the seven power centres of your being. Interlaced in these power centres are aspects of our lives that are directly affected by the vitality of the seven chakras.
Join us in our temple space to empower and awaken the seven power centres of your being. Interlaced in these power centres are aspects of our lives that are directly affected by the vitality of the seven chakras.
This 8-month journey, designed to create lasting and real transformation will provide you with resources to go even deeper. Learn how to love yourself in a deeper way than ever before. Become more connected to your heart and your authentic self. Add to your personal tool kit of resources to balance, clear and strengthen your own energy.
Join scores of women, of all ages and occupations, who have taken this journey of discovery before you.
Join scores of women, of all ages and occupations, who have taken this journey of discovery before you.
This program leads you through the alchemical journey of a soul's evolution, as we ascend through the chakras.
Once a month you will connect with a circle of sisters through a live group coaching call to initiate the journey each month and debrief the learnings from the previous month. You will also receive 8 beautifully designed Initiation guidebooks packed with information-rich content following the monthly initiation call to enable you to dive in deeper into the energy of the chakra as well as receiving a follow-up email between modules to support your exploration.
“This is not a journey for the faint-hearted and requires a bit of faith and courage but if you want to change your life and really deal with what’s holding you back so you can move forward then the course is a real opportunity for cleansing, rebirth and transformation”. - Paula |
It's your time NOW to learn how to reconnect to your full radiant power
This program is not about memorising or just reading about the chakras.
This is an experiential journey taken over 8 months whereby you live the energy of each chakra, day by day, and have a tangible experience of each of the frequencies in your body.
This is an experiential journey taken over 8 months whereby you live the energy of each chakra, day by day, and have a tangible experience of each of the frequencies in your body.
Unleash the positive power within
"In the Eastern Traditions, the seven chakras, or energy centers,
have been studied as a way of transforming energy into consciousness."
have been studied as a way of transforming energy into consciousness."
Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson - Dancing in the Flames
What we will explore together!
1st Module - The Base Chakra
This chakra is connected to our survival needs, primal instincts, tribal beliefs, grounding connection to earth. This is our energetic foundation that supports and sustains our life. In this module we explore:
The Base Chakra is concerned with keeping life vibrant and sustainable. |
2nd Module - Sacral Chakra
This chakra is connected to sexuality, sensuality, relationships, creativity, and the inner child, giving us the opportunity to love life more and to project that love of life into everything. In this module we explore:
The essence of the Sacral Chakra is knowing that who you are and what you do are enough, and to create healthy boundaries to protect your vital life force. |
3rd Module - Solar Plexus Chakra
This chakra is connected to personal power, individuality, courage, and purpose. This chakra calls on us to personal liberation through compassion and humility and to trust who we are; that who we are as individuals is enough. In this module we explore:
The primary quality of the Solar Plexus Chakra is self-worth, knowing that you are worthy simply because you exist. |
4th Module - Heart Chakra
This chakra is connected to unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, and emotional empowerment. This chakra governs our ability to feel, empathise and, most powerfully, to forgive and facilitates the transformation of love into action. Here we explore:
The central life issue for the Heart Chakra is "to let love be the center of your life." |
5th Module - Throat Chakra
This chakra is connected to expression, manifestation, truth seeking, and listening + speaking. An essential attitude is that what we say matters, communicating from the depth of our integrity gives us credibility and constancy. Here we explore:
The central life issue for the Throat Chakra is harnessing will, to express your highest truth, to live creatively. |
6th Module - Third Eye Chakra
This chakra is connected to insight + ideas, intuition, perception, intellect, and imagination. For us to fully activate this charka we need to examine any self-limiting ideas that we hold that denigrate our worth. Here we explore:
The Third Eye Chakra offers us energy to awaken our minds and question whether what we have been taught is true or false. |
7th Module - Crown Chakra
This chakra is connected to universal connectedness, liberation, humanitarianism, and a call to service. The crown chakra acts as a ladder to love, spirituality, and healing. Here we explore:
The Crown Chakra is concerned with maturity and insight, the spiritual path and divine balance and the selfless realization of your incredible connection with the greater whole of life. |
8th Module - Integration Phase
Integration is a phase often missed in development programs. This phase of the course is about uniting all 7 energy centres for full body integration, awakening and empowerment. Balancing the entire system. Here we explore:
Chakra Healing
"As we progress upward through the energy centers, we learn more about who we are, and transform and heal our energy levels. This enables us to become more focused on the paths we choose in order to fulfill ourselves; realise our talents and gifts and allow love and compassion to become the center of our lives."
Ambika Wauters - Psychotherapist
Ambika Wauters - Psychotherapist
Who is this Program designed for?
“If you’re prepared to discover your authenticity, this course is a great tool. The journey for some might be about owning and being proud of your Fabulousness! (That would include me).” - Catherine |
Enthusiastic women wanting to show up in their lives and make the most of the opportunities that are unfolding this year:
Women who know-in-their bones that they are here to weave their unique gifts into existence… and yearn to do it with great depth:
Any women who feel stuck in a rut:
If you are feeling like you don't know how to move forward in your life or are unsure of 'what the next step is', this program is a prescription of clarity, inner-connection and remembrance of your gifts and talents. Almost all women who have completed this course have emerged at the end stronger, clearer, more self-loving and self-accepting than ever before. |
Soulful women at any stage of their personal and spiritual development:
This program is designed to take you from where you are now, in terms of your personal and spiritual development, to a much vaster position of self-understanding. No matter what your level of conceptual knowledge of each chakra may be, you will gain much more than you already comprehend. The uniqueness of this program lies in the embodied training - you will know, feel and sense each learning within your body, not just in your mind.
For women who feel like they have lost their zest:
If you feel lacklustre, like you have lost your zest and are looking for ways to re-ignite your inner spark and re-connect with your vitality but don't know where to start. This program is the perfect starting point. You will learn more about the chakras, how they operate, and what they ‘do’, as well as learning how to access your own innate wisdom and power to initiate your own healing journey enabling you to live life with greater enthusiasm and vitality.
For women wanting to embrace their path and embody their leadership from the inside out:
If you believe there’s a way to show up in your gifts, without sacrificing what’s sacred but are searching for ways to support yourself in this quest. This program is a journey of coming home to yourself, of embracing your deepest gifts and your fully-expressed self in support of you offering your unique contribution to our world in a way that aligns with your values, body, relationships, and rhythms.
Come and Join Us
Be Warned
This program brings.
Change - Massive - Awesome Positive Change. |
Core Program Details
In the comfort of your own home! All materials will be sent to your nominated email address. |
"This course was wonderful, it took a look at what is really going on behind the scenes - in a supportive space.” – Devahsi |
Individual Coaching Session:
Beginning with an individual, one-on-one coaching call in the week of Monday 21 March 2022, we will discuss your goals, intentions and the area of your life you would most like to see transformed.
Beginning with an individual, one-on-one coaching call in the week of Monday 21 March 2022, we will discuss your goals, intentions and the area of your life you would most like to see transformed.
Live Group Coaching Calls:
Starting on the evening of Monday 4 April, we will meet together via a live zoom call for a group initiation call. Then we will meet once a month for eight months (8 classes) for a live group call on the dates listed below from 6.00 to 7.30 pm (AEST). These sessions will be always be recorded for anyone unable to join us live.
Starting on the evening of Monday 4 April, we will meet together via a live zoom call for a group initiation call. Then we will meet once a month for eight months (8 classes) for a live group call on the dates listed below from 6.00 to 7.30 pm (AEST). These sessions will be always be recorded for anyone unable to join us live.
Monthly Initiation Dates:
Base Chakra – 4 April Sacral Chakra - 2 May Solar Plexus Chakra - 30 May Heart Chakra - 27 June Throat Chakra - 25 July Third Eye Chakra -22 August Crown Chakra – 19 September Integration Day - 17 October |
“I was ready to work on myself and the course allowed me to self-analyse and reflect on a deeper level. All my skeletons came out of the closet this year and some interesting new challenges were thrown at me, it's all good because I'm on the other side of it now, the course assisted with processing and moving forward. I think the course really is empowering, it's a massive confidence boost and a great way to learn more about yourself.” - Katie |
In addition to the time allowed for the initiation calls it is recommended that you allow an additional 3 to 4 hours in each initiation week to work through the material (content, activities, exercises) for each chakra to access the full potency and potential of the material.
In addition to the time allowed for the initiation calls it is recommended that you allow an additional 3 to 4 hours in each initiation week to work through the material (content, activities, exercises) for each chakra to access the full potency and potential of the material.
Follow-Up Emails:
You will receive fortnightly follow-up emails in the week between modules with further exercises and resources to deepen your journey. |
“The environment was intimate, supportive and beautiful and showed me insights into my true Self.” - Lauren |
Enrolments Close:
20 March 2022
20 March 2022
Intensive Program Details
For experienced practitioners wanting to go even deeper and expand into a more powerful and embodied expression of their gifts, and uniqueness the intensive program adds 8 X 1 hour one-on-one coaching sessions to the Core Empower and Awaken Program. In the Intensive Program you take the learnings from the Core Program, your insights to embrace more fully your own path and to embody your leadership. Weaving together and integrating these profound shifts to expand your presence and leadership.
Enrolments Close:
20 March 2022
20 March 2022
Register Now, Space is Limited
Real Life Benefits You Will Gain
- Inner clarity of Self, truly seeing who you really are and your gifts.
- Deep self-love and self-appreciation through increased awareness.
- Expanded awareness of yourself and the world.
- Understanding and unravelling learnt behavioural patterns that no longer serve.
- Understanding the intrinsic energy and lessons of each chakra.
- A new level of empowerment and vitality.
- Embrace your path and embody your leadership.
Register Now, Limited Places
Frequently Asked Questions
what happens after I sign up?
Firstly, you will receive a payment confirmation via PayPal and Maureen will be sent a copy of this confirmation.
Maureen will also contact you personally via email to welcome you to the Course and send you a Welcome Kit. The Welcome Kit covers all you need to know for the journey ahead.
Maureen will also contact you personally via email to welcome you to the Course and send you a Welcome Kit. The Welcome Kit covers all you need to know for the journey ahead.
Do I have to attend all 8 live Calls?
The course has been created to build a cumulative experience with learning and teachings for each chakra building on the one before it. Attending each of the live calls in person means you will get the absolute best out of the course. However each of the calls will be recorded and so if you are not able to attend a particular call you won't miss out and can listen to the recording at a later time.
What if I am sick?
Of course, sometimes you might be really unwell! And all the calls will be recorded so there is the opportunity to listen to the call at a later time.
However it is also worth mentioning that over the years I have noticed that the energy of the chakras may grow in intensity in the 24 hours prior to a gathering. This may be because it is blocked or over-stimulated, and it is 'preparing' for a shift on the day of the initiation and so it may be that energy is calling for your attention.
I have seen headaches, stomach cramps, sore backs and all manner of issues completely clear up during or by the end of a live workshop. It’s likely your body is calling attention to this area because it needs some healing. In this case the best thing you can do is attend the live call and allow the energy to speak to you and clear it in the circle.
However it is also worth mentioning that over the years I have noticed that the energy of the chakras may grow in intensity in the 24 hours prior to a gathering. This may be because it is blocked or over-stimulated, and it is 'preparing' for a shift on the day of the initiation and so it may be that energy is calling for your attention.
I have seen headaches, stomach cramps, sore backs and all manner of issues completely clear up during or by the end of a live workshop. It’s likely your body is calling attention to this area because it needs some healing. In this case the best thing you can do is attend the live call and allow the energy to speak to you and clear it in the circle.
I have chosen to pay by four instalments, what if I skip a payment?
Not to worry, PayPal will notify Maureen and you will have 5 days to charge up your card for them to try again. Also Maureen will email you directly to let you know when a payment has bounced back so you have a chance to top up your card or selected bank account.
What do I need to prepare for each Session?
All these details and more will be covered in your Welcome Kit. In summary, it won't be momentous! There will be certain items to bring to the live call that will make your participation more comfortable, but it will not be onerous.
I have other questions, who do I contact?
Best to direct all other questions to Maureen personally - you can email her here.